Use "idolatry|idolatries" in a sentence

1. From Fraternizing to Idolatry

2. Covetousness amounts to idolatry

3. Israel’s idolatry and promiscuity (9-19)

4. Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry.

5. She has a kind of idolatry.

6. Evidently, objects or activities connected with idolatry.

7. Licentiousness... idolatry, sorcery... gluttony, and drunkenness.

8. Theophilus exposes the fallacy of idolatry.

9. He bore with the idolatry of Rome.

10. Idolatry takes something good and twists it.

11. I think this is idolatry beyond belief.

12. How do Jehovah’s people guard against self-idolatry?

13. 20 Jehovah’s people also guard against self-idolatry.

14. Service as a substitute for worship is idolatry.

15. There are other subtle forms of idolatry.

16. What shows that righteous angels reject idolatry?

17. Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry.

18. Mortify your members--and Covetousness which is idolatry

19. Why is it important to refrain from idolatry?

20. 14 I think this is idolatry beyond belief.

21. 7 Idolatry and dishonesty cannot produce a healthy society.

22. The queen was adored to the point of idolatry.

23. It was a city steeped in idolatry and superstition.

24. The latter is the respectable man's introduction to idolatry.

25. Their affection for her soon increased almost to idolatry.

26. Aaron was not in heartfelt sympathy with the idolatry.

27. 3 Generally, idolatry involves a ceremony or a ritual.

28. For example, he forbids idolatry, fornication, adultery, and theft.

29. Mortify your members--and Covetousness which is idolatry

30. Abram rejected the idolatry so prevalent in Ur

31. His mixture of pulp and idolatry Congeals on the screen

32. This essay aims at investigating the phenomenon of youngsters idolatry.

33. Even adultery and lasciviousness, uncleanness, idolatry and rioting, vanity and wrath.

34. Yet, many of God’s dedicated nation have succumbed to idolatry.

35. Peter (1 Peter 4:3) mentions those who “walked in lasciviousness, lusts, winebibbings, revellings, Carousings, and abominable idolatries.”

36. He supported his local team with a fervour that border on idolatry.

37. He supports his local team with a fervour that borders on idolatry.

38. That’s why Paul says in Colossians 3:5 that Covetousness is idolatry.

39. 8 King Josiah renewed his efforts to eliminate all the trappings of idolatry.

40. She was pleased to be no part of the idolatry that surrounded her.

41. 7 The returning Jews had learned enough to abandon idolatry and spiritistic religion.

42. 5 The congregation in Thyatira was tolerating idolatry, false teaching, and sexual immorality.

43. Hezekiah’s son Manasseh promoted idolatry, spiritism, and wholesale violence to an unprecedented extent.

44. That is where we must avoid the sins of pride and false idolatry.

45. For four hundred years Israel had dwelt in Egypt, surrounded by the Crassest idolatry

46. Bardolatry definition: idolatry or excessive admiration of William Shakespeare Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

47. Bardolatry definition: idolatry or excessive admiration of William Shakespeare Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

48. Or the image of the Fallen, those who have committed the sin of idolatry?

49. After mentioning “greediness” at Col 3:5, Paul adds, “which is idolatry.”

50. He supports the local team with a fever that borders in idolatry.

51. Superstition, idolatry, and hypocrisy have ample wages, but truth goes a begging.

52. Ezekiel 20 exposes what caused them to go into Captivity: idolatry and Sabbath breaking

53. God commands us to abstain from idolatry, fornication and adultery, and misuse of blood.

54. For example, Christians are to avoid idolatry, sexual immorality, and the misuse of blood.

55. That scripture is speaking of the allurement of “injurious things,” such as idolatry and immorality.

56. Worshiping images or bowing down to them in reverence constitutes idolatry. —1 John 5:21.

57. Generally speaking, idolatry is the veneration, love, worship, or adoration of an idol.

58. Because God’s Word clearly commands: “Flee from idolatry,” and “Guard yourselves from idols.”

59. The result will be the same as if we had committed idolatry —alienation from God.

60. Bibliolatry is what is also known as worshiping the Bible being a form of idolatry

61. As respects sexual immorality, unCleanness, uncontrolled sexual passion, hurtful desire, and greediness, which is idolatry

62. (Genesis 3:5; Mark 7:20-23) Idolatry becomes possible when hearts are corrupted.

63. For example, they are to avoid idolatry, sexual immorality, and the misuse of blood.

64. This is why Covetousness or greed is defined by Paul as idolatry twice in his epistles.

65. Although Buddhism is Atheistic in its teaching, idolatry is widespread in the lands where it prevails

66. She was like a victim that was being prepared for the savage rites a bloody idolatry.

67. Moreover, Job did not engage in idolatry by giving devotion to inanimate things, such as the moon.

68. Or if thou wilt, swear by thy gracious self, Which is the god of my idolatry,

69. (Those About to Die, page 137) If similarly tested, would you completely resist all idolatry?

70. Finally, Moses went through the entire nation and out those primarily responsible for the idolatry.

71. The Burlesquing of idols and idolatry always afforded a ready mark for the sarcasm of the prophets

72. 6 Paul listed apostate idolatry and sects among such “works of the flesh” as fornication and loose conduct.

73. (Isaiah 6:3) To guard against such idolatry, then, God’s servants must avoid pornography and corrupting music.

74. Doing so is as vital as abstaining from sexual immorality and idolatry. —Acts 15:28, 29.

75. Commenting on this, The Watchtower noted that the Bible condemns stealing, misuse of blood, and idolatry.

76. Covetousness is Idolatry In modern day terms it is closely related to "Keeping Up With the Jones".

77. The prophet's Admonition to the Jews in Egypt against idolatry is not regarded: he denounces to them their destruction

78. It strips us of all the illusions and idolatry of the world, to face our basic personal need.

79. They often preach the good news in cities where an atmosphere of idolatry, immorality, and delinquency prevails.

80. Researcher Vitalij Ivanovich Petrenko said: “The icon . . . becomes the object of worship and in danger of idolatry . . .